Replex Blood Drive

1:00pm - 6:00pm

The American Red Cross needs your help!

We are hosting a blood drive Friday, August 12th from 1:00-6:00pm at Replex LeRoy Community Park District and we are in need of additional blood donors. We need at least 12 more donors to come forth and donate in order to achieve our collection target of 21!! We rely on our community sponsors to help us accomplish our mission of providing blood and blood products each and every day to hospital patients in need.

Will you help? It only takes about an hour for the whole process and you can leave knowing you potentially saved up to 3 lives!! We have many appointment times available and walk ins are also welcome! As a thank you all presenting donors will receive a $10 e-gift card.

You are eligible to donate if you haven’t given blood after June 17th.

Below is the direct link to sign up.

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