Public Notices

2025 Consolidated Election Pre-filing Notice


The office of Anita Corso, Local Election Official in and for the City of Le Roy, located at 207 S. East Street, Le Roy, Illinois will be open from 7:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. beginning Tuesday, November 12, 2024 through Friday, November 15, 2024 and 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. on Monday, November 18, 2024 for the purpose of accepting candidate petitions for the Consolidated Election to be held Tuesday, April 1, 2025, for the following offices: 

Mayor – full four-year term,

One Alderman Ward 1 full four-year term,

One Alderman Ward 2 full four-year term,

One Alderman Ward 3 full four-year term,

One Alderman Ward 4 two-year term,

One Aldermen Ward 4 full four-year term. 

Petitions may be picked up at the Local Election Official’s office beginning Tuesday, August 20, 2024, and circulation of petitions may begin immediately. Should a simultaneous filing lottery or lotteries be necessary, the lotteries will be scheduled for Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 8:30 a.m.

Tree Committee Meeting Schedule 2024


MARCH 2024 – OCTOBER 2024

March 27, 2024  - Agenda

April 24, 2024 - Agenda

May 29, 2024 - Cancelled

June 26, 2024 - Agenda

July 31, 2024 - Agenda

August 28, 2024 - Cancelled     * rescheduled for Wed Sept 11, 2024 6:30 pm @ Kiwanis Park *

September 25, 2024 - Cancelled

October 30, 2024






Water Plant update

April 30, 2024  In 2023 our water system sampled for a series of unregulated contaminants.  The purpose of this monitoring is to help the EPA decide whether the contaminants should have a standard.  That data is now available here.  A paper copy is available at City Hall.

April 19, 2024  Lead Service Line Replacement Plan

March 8, 2024 - Jacobs Engineering  - Water Treatment and Distribution System Water Quality Study.  Summary of the initial meeting at Le Roy City Hall.  Jacobs Meeting Summary

February 10, 2024 - Water System Update

Lead in Drinking Water Response from the Public Meeting at City Hall on February 5, 2024.

Outline of situation and steps completed or are underway

Water Service Line Material ID form

July 5, 2023 - Water Pressure Issue

LEROYANS: At some point overnight on Tuesday, the computer system that controls water output from the plant went down. That affected water distribution through the system; residents experienced either no water or very low pressure. The water department staff caught the problem in time to get manual controls up and running, and water pressure started up immediately. The problem has been repaired and the plant is back working on auto controls.

The water pressure in the mains never dropped below 35 psi The minimum required for us to issue a boil order is 20 psi, so they was/is no need for a boil order. Permanent repairs are being made today, but it may take 24-36 hours for full pressure to return.

As I type this, the computer engineer is installing a backup fail safe alarm to protect the system, and also working to determine what caused this failure. Our water staff is on top of this, and has been since very early this morning. While pressure may still be low in some instances, the system is working as it should.

In regard to other issues within the water system, this is a constant concern of myself, council, city administration, and water department staff. We are in contact with a civil engineer, Illinois EPA, and other consultants as we work to determine the cause or causes of the dark water problem. This is not something that any one of us is ignoring. Updates are made on the city website,

The Mayor - 61752


Discolored water - June 2023 Water update

This response is the result of the recent incident involving discolored water reported by several of our residents.

Outline of situation and steps completed or are underway

June 2022

Hydrant flushing continues. As of 6/20/22 100 of the 207 hydrants have been flushed.

May 2022

Over the next few weeks we will be bringing the remaining three new iron filters online. This will complete the majority of the new work to the treatment plant. The water quality should only improve from there on out.

The distribution water quality will  improve once all of the 207 fire hydrants are flushed. That process will start on or about next week on May 9th and continue into June.

Some residents may notice work continuing at well sites; this work is part of the overall project but has no effects on the finished water quality.

April 2022

The new softeners are all online.  The last 3 filters will be online by the end of the month.  Hydrant flushing will begin in May to clear the system.

January 2022

Effective Monday 1-17-2022 the first phase of the water treatment plant overhaul will be complete and the second phase will begin. This means that going forward all water being treated will be on the new equipment and all of the old equipment will be removed. Once that has happened and the floor of the plant is repaired more of the new equipment will be brought into the building and put on line.  

December 3, 2021

Installation of the Phase 1 filtration equipment is complete. Testing and troubleshooting of the new filtration system is under way. When the testing is completed and the EPA issues an operating permit, the new filtration system will be brought online. We expect this to happen over the next few weeks.

October 2021

Two of the five new iron filtration tanks have been moved into the existing building along with substantial process piping installed. We still expect a mid November switch over from the existing to the new treatment process. New equipment has been installed at both well sites and both water towers also.


August 2021.

The water plant filter system will be replaced in two phases to minimize any interruptions in service to the community.


July 2021

The filter replacement project is moving forward.  Construction will begin mid-July.  Residents should expect to see an improvement in water color / odor by October.   

The iron levels continue to increase causing water to change color, taste and smell. The City is diligently testing the water to ensure that it continues to be safe for consumption and use.  The patience and understanding of all residents is appreciated as this process continues.

March 2021

While the City of Le Roy Water Treatment Plant goes through all of the changes to eventually improve the quality of the water the city will occasionally experience issues with the color, taste and smell. The City is diligently testing the water to ensure that it continues to be safe for consumption and use. We plan that this will not become an issue but if it should, The City will issue advisories for its residents. The City appreciates the patience and understanding of all it's residents as we transition through these processes.

The softer media has been changed and should provide some improvement to water quality .

Bids for the filter replacement project are being collected and Council is expected to approve a bid at the April 4th meeting.  The project should be underway by early summer.


August 2020

The City has received many comments and inquiries about the current water conditions.

As you know, the City is in the process of updating the water filtration system from an outdated microfiltration system to a sand filtration system, which is slated for installation in Winter 2020. Our Water Department staff have been working around the clock to keep our current system functioning, which includes weekly sample testing from our wells and strict compliance with IEPA standards.

Many have noticed an odor and a red or pink tint to the water - this is from excess iron that the current system is unable to filter out. While this may be less than pleasing to the eye or nose, the iron does not present any health or safety concerns.

As always, we are happy to provide updates to the community and welcome questions and information about any issues observed. Please feel free to call City Hall at (309)962-3031 about this or any other concerns